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closeup of a spoon in powdered baby formula

America’s Baby Formula Industry: An Ongoing Problem That Puts Infants At Risk

Parents have grown familiar with headlines and news stories concerning issues with the country’s baby formula supply. It seems the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announces another recall every week, and each recall is not for the same reason.  They have ranged from bacteria…

african american hair relaxer products on shelf in store

Why Are Hair Relaxer Products with Dangerous Chemicals Still Being Sold?

For well over a decade, scientists have studied the possible health effects of chemical hair relaxers, and extensive research has linked them to several serious illnesses, including ovarian, uterine, breast, and endometrial cancer. However, it wasn’t until the release of research findings in October 2022…

scales of justice, notepad and pen, gavel, and laptop on a lawyer's desk closeup

Why You Should Contact a Lawyer for Kratom Injuries

When you suffer an unexpected injury, or if a loved one suddenly dies, it may take all your strength to simply get through the day. However, if you are harmed after using a kratom product, it is important to get the medical treatment you need…

Doctor writing out RX prescription selective focus

Why Rashes After Taking Anti-Seizure Medications Need to Be Taken Seriously

An anti-seizure medication (ASM) can have positive effects on individuals dealing with various conditions, such as epilepsy, migraines, and mood disorders. However, along with the benefits of these drug treatments, there is a possibility that the patient could experience concerning side effects in the form…

Closeup of the FDA sign seen at its headquarters campus in Silver Spring, Maryland.

FDA Warns Consumers Not to Use OPMS Black Liquid Kratom

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning about a popular kratom brand, cautioning consumers that the product has been linked to one death and several other adverse health symptoms. Optimized Plant Mediated Solutions (OPMS) Black Liquid Kratom is available online and…

sign on front facade of Abbott Laboratories research facility.

How Will Recent NEC Baby Formula Lawsuit Verdicts Affect Formula Production?

Leading formula manufacturer Abbott Laboratories has been ordered to pay $495 million to a woman whose infant daughter developed necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) after consuming its baby formula — and the verdict could jeopardize formula production nationwide. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) said in a…

8mg suboxone sublingual film box on a counter

Why Aren’t More People Prescribed Opioid Use Disorder Medications?

Thousands of Americans struggle with opioid use disorder (OUD), and while there are three widely available drug treatments for OUD, only about one in five receive OUD medications to combat it. The opioid epidemic has blazed on for decades, and public health officials continue to…

PARKINSON'S DISEASE words on a small chalk board next to a stethoscope on a wooden table.

Study Examines Faster Parkinson’s Progression in Those Exposed to Camp Lejeune Toxic Water

A new study has found that Parkinson’s disease may progress faster in people exposed to the toxic water at Camp Lejeune. The study, published in the medical journal Movement Disorders and funded by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), found that Camp Lejeune toxic…

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