What You Need to Know About the Paragard IUD Removal Process
For women across the country, many use some form of birth control. Birth control options include pills, condoms, patches, implants, shots, and intrauterine devices (IUDs). Of the five IUD medical devices approved for use in the U.S., the Paragard IUD is made of copper and is over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. This device can last 10 years and is the only hormone-free device available at this time. Smaller than a packet of sugar, the popular t-shaped IUD has benefits but can also cause serious complications if the device breaks.
While the Paragard device can last for 10 years, some women choose to have their device removed ahead of time while others opt to have their device removed when the lifespan ends. Women may stop using their Paragard IUD because they want to have a baby, but others have it removed because of complications. Paragard IUD complications can include pain during intercourse, bleeding, fever, pelvic pain, and fatigue. Other women choose to have their IUD removed at the end of its 10-year life, only to have a new Paragard device inserted. The reasons to have a Paragard device removed are unique to each woman.

Removing a Paragard Device
The removal of an IUD can be performed in a medical office by a healthcare provider in just a few minutes. For many women, having their Paragard removed is a relatively pain-free procedure. In some cases, women experience pain, and discomfort or could require surgery to successfully remove the IUD device. For example, if a Paragard device breaks during removal, surgery may be required to remove all of the fractured pieces.
The Paragard IUD removal process begins as a medical professional visualizes the cervix, using a speculum. This is a very similar experience for women as a pelvic exam. The Paragard’s exposed threads are removed using forceps. As this occurs, the arms of the device will fold upwards, as it is withdrawn from the uterus. The medical provider should verify that the Paragard device is intact as it is removed completely.
Sometimes the Paragard IUD fractures as it is removed. If this is the case, an ultrasound or hysteroscopy should be used to locate any fractured or embedded pieces of the Paragard device. Cervical dilation may also assist in locating any fractured or embedded pieces. After any fractured or embedded pieces have been located, a plan for removal will be discussed with the medical provider and the patient. Depending on the severity of the fracture, surgery and a hospital stay may be required,
Complications of Fractured Paragard IUD
During the removal of a Paragard IUD, even with the best-trained medical professionals, complications can arise. Documented complications from the Paragard IUD or the removal process include reproductive health injuries, pelvic inflammatory disease, unexpected life-threatening pregnancy, and uterine perforation.
Thousands of women who have experienced breakage of their devices have filed Paragard IUD lawsuits against the manufacturers. Many of the claims allege that a design flaw in the medical device caused the device to break apart inside the uterus during the removal process. Some of the women who experienced a fractured device during removal have had pieces perforate their cervix or uterus, resulting in surgery to remove the fractured pieces.
Thousands of active Paragard IUD lawsuits have been consolidated into multidistrict litigation (MDL), and new cases continue to be filed. If you experienced a Paragard device breakage after insertion or during removal, consider exploring legal options.
Depending on the injury or complication, women who have filed Paragard claims are seeking compensation for surgery, medical bills, pain, and suffering associated with the Paragard medical device. Throughout many of the filed claims, women consistently indicated that the medical device’s manufacturers failed to warn them of the complications. In 2019, the manufacturer updated the medical device’s warning label to add a warning about the potential for the device to fracture. Unfortunately, most patients were not informed about the device’s potential to fracture or shown the packaging the device comes in, missing the opportunity to view the warning label.
A Paragard IUD attorney with expertise in defective medical device lawsuits can offer advice on how to proceed with a claim. Consulting with an attorney can help demonstrate whether a claim has merit and how to put a strong case together. Seeking compensation through a lawsuit can help you recover both emotionally and financially. In addition, filing a claim of this nature can help hold manufacturers accountable for design flaws and failing to warn medical providers and patients of the dangers of a medical device. As more women file claims against Paragard’s manufacturer, they are bringing attention to their friends and loved ones who may not have known the risks of Paragard IUDs. Paragard lawsuits can help protect other women from experiencing similar injuries by holding the manufacturer accountable and responsible.