Workplace injuries and illnesses continue to be a major concern for employees and their families. These injuries, illnesses, and fatalities take a toll on the family. If you cannot work due to an injury or illness, what are you going to do for money and benefits? How is your family going to financially survive this crisis? Even though this article will help you to understand what you can do to prevent an accident, it will also walk you through the process of what to do if you were in an accident and how you can get compensated for your injuries.
An injury or illness is considered work related if an event or exposure in the workplace caused or contributed to the condition or even if it significantly aggravated a pre-existing condition. It is important to know what to do in the event of a workplace accident or illness. It can affect you and your family in numerous ways if you are unable to work as you no longer will be making a salary. If you were injured in the workplace, it can be a very confusing time. This article and the articles to which it links will provide helpful information so you know what your options are if you are involved in a workplace accident or you find yourself battling an illness received caused in the workplace.
Given the prevalence of workplace injuries and illnesses, The Legal Examiner has gathered the following information to help you stay safe in the workplace. To help you stay safe and prevent future workplace accidents and illnesses, this useful information is broken down into the following five articles:
Safety and Prevention
Find out how to avoid workplace injuries and learn practical steps to that will keep you safer at work.
Workplace Accidents and Injuries
Learn more about common workplace injuries and the first things you should do when an accident happens.
Workplace Injury Medical Issues
Discover more about the medical process following a workplace accident and practical steps you should take when you’ve been hurt.
Workplace Injury Legal Issues
Explore the legal process that deals with workplace injuries and learn more about your legal rights.
Workers Compensation: What You Need To Know
It is important to know the specific rules and regulations for you statea.
Workers Compensation: What is Covered
Learn more about the Workers Compensation Insurance system and how it’s designed to protect you when you are injured on the job.
In each of these articles you will find expert analysis, key strategies, and bottom line advice to help you navigate through the challenging and often confusing process from the scene of the accident all the way to a successful resolution of all the issues that come from even a simple job site injury. By reading and putting this information into practice you will be well on your way to keeping your family safe while making the best possible decisions in situations when an accident or injury has already occurred.
Table of Contents
Topics Related to Workplace Injuries
- Agricultural Workers: Overview
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Construction Industry
- Firefighter, Police Officer & EMT Hearing Loss: Overview
- McWane Inc.
- Military Hazards & Accidents
- Mining & Oil Field Accidents
- Popcorn Plant Workers
- Racial Discrimination: Overview
- Railroad Workers & The Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA)
- Semiconductor Industry
- Sexual Harassment: Overview
- Tobacco Field Workers: Overview
- Unpaid Overtime
- Welding Rods
- Workers’ Compensation: Overview