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young woman holding her abdomen with painful menstrual cramps

What Are the Symptoms of Paragard Breakage?

Nearly 47 million American women use a form of birth control. Five intrauterine devices (IUDs) have been approved for use by women in the U.S. The Paragard IUD is a copper intrauterine device that is over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. As one of the…

premature baby being fed formula through a tube in the hospital

NEC Baby Formula Lawsuits Differ From Contaminated Formula Cases

These are difficult days for baby formula manufacturers and parents of infants. Thousands of NEC baby formula lawsuits have been filed against Abbott Laboratories and Mead Johnson because of their formulas created and marketed for premature babies. Some infants are becoming gravely ill with some…

closeup of an hourglass with blurred focus on a gavel and law books in background

Time Is Running Out to File a Camp Lejeune Injury Claim

Individuals who believe they may be eligible to receive financial compensation from the federal government under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act (CLJA) and still need to take action should be aware that the clock is about to run out. The deadline for submitting a Camp…

nurse displaying a paragard IUD contraceptive device in her open hands

How an Attorney Can Help After a Paragard IUD Injury?

Millions of women nationwide use the Paragard IUD as a form of birth control. The benefits of the intrauterine device are apparent: it can be inserted in minutes, doesn’t have the same side effects as hormonal birth control, and is effective for up to 10…

closeup of a hand on a veteran's coffin at funeral with white flowers in the background

Filing a Camp Lejeune Claim on Behalf of a Deceased Loved One

Between 1953 and 1957, veterans, civilian workers, and families drank and bathed in water contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other toxins at Camp Lejeune. The result has been devastating. Several cancers, including breast, kidney, lung, liver, and bladder cancer, Parkinson’s disease, cardiac defects,…

female nurse holding a paragard iud closeup

Paragard IUD Breakages Continue Even After 2022 FDA Warning

A new investigation has found that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raised concerns about Paragard IUD breakages in 2022 after inspecting the facility where the IUD is manufactured. The FDA didn’t take public action against CooperSurgical and Teva Pharmaceuticals, and the company didn’t…

Coarse ground Mitragynina speciosa or Kratom powder and Kratom pills on grey background

Why Are Kratom Lawsuits Being Filed?

Kratom has been touted as a mood enhancer, an energy booster, a pain reliever, and a way to combat opioid addiction. At the same time, products containing kratom have been tied to fatalities across the country. According to an investigation published in December by The…

American flag flies in front of the US capitol building in Washington DC with blue cloudy sky background

What Is The Camp Lejeune Justice Corrections Act?

In August of 2022, after much back-and-forth in Congress, the country’s top lawmakers passed the Camp Lejeune Justice Act (CLJA). The legislation paved the way for the victims of the contaminated water found at the Marine Corps base from 1953 to 1987 to sue the…

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