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What Types of Content Should Your Law Firm Share?

Different types of content convey differently depending on the audience. For some, a web page that contains testimonials about your practice areas and extensive experience may persuade your target audience to engage with your site or even contact your firm about representation. But many people will resonate with a different approach and delivery format, so lawyers need to develop a well-rounded content marketing strategy

There are many options available, but here are seven types of content law firms should consider, followed by a content format you could be missing out on:

businesswoman working at home using computer

Blog posts

Crafting blog posts focused on your area of legal expertise is a great way to utilize content to market your law firm. Personal injury lawyers can use their blog to demonstrate their credibility, authority, and experience with their practice areas; covering broad and specific topics related to your work are great content opportunities. Details like success rate and client satisfaction are other angles to incorporate. 

In addition, when effective search engine optimization strategies are used in a content marketing plan, blogs can increase exposure and lead to greater search engine rankings – all of which will help your law firm reach its target audience. 


While articles that list items like The 10 Richest People in the World are popular, they don’t add much additional value. This example article conveys the top ten richest people in the world and includes details about each of the ten people. List-style pages, blog posts, and social media graphics are popular options; they tell the reader from the headline exactly how much information they’ll find, are scannable, and are in bite-sized pieces that are easy to absorb.

As a personal injury lawyer, you can utilize this type of content to share tips about accident prevention and legal options when accidents occur. For example, you could list ways to protect yourself against injuries in the workplace. Alternatively, you could outline ten tips to reduce the risk of injury when flying.


As rich, long-form content, electronic books are a great way to demonstrate your legal expertise and develop authority. E-books should be easy for your target audience to find, download and share, and have specific, targeted messages and information within. They can extend your content offerings and are often created to grow email lists (Sign up to our mailing list to receive our free e-book!). The ideal legal electronic book provides readers with direction and solutions.


One of the most popular types of content created currently is the infographic. They convey a vast amount of information in a visually appealing way. Infographics are sharable, easily digestible and engaging. Effective infographics are three times more likely to be shared on social media. 


Video continues to grow as a popular form of web content, thanks to social media channels like TikTok, YouTube and Instagram. Because of this, investing in video content may help reach your target audience by explaining key pieces of information in a format they enjoy. Videos can also drive traffic to your website. Once your audience lands on more content, lawyers can encourage further engagement through strong calls to action and relevant links. 

How-to Guides

Investing time in how-to and instructional guides is an effective content marketing strategy for lawyers. Putting together a how-to guide on documenting a specific type of injury is a great place to start. How-to and instructional guides allow you to show off your expertise, are relevant to your audience’s needs, and can lead to subtopics that further grow your law firm’s content.

Case Studies

Case studies are valuable to illustrate common challenges among your target audience. They show you have experience in this specific legal arena and that your law firm can relate to and understand the legal struggles the audience is facing. An excellent case study is written in a way that’s personable, empathetic (consider testimonials of past clients), and in the right language for the audience. 

Pillar Pages and Content Clusters

While the previous seven types of content are important for lawyers to consider, one of the latest and most valuable types are pillar pages and content clusters. Given the vast online landscape, developing longer pages focused on a broad topic – pillar pages – leading to subtopics – clusters or secondary pages – is a must. Google’s search algorithm demands high-quality content, presented in formats that are best for the audience and demonstrate topic authority. Pillar pages and content clusters can do this.

Pillar pages should cover the broad search terms and summarize topics relevant to a lawyer’s practice area. They’re a hub of information, with relevant and credible internal and external links that add value and direct the audience to more specific components. When done right, pillar pages and content clusters will improve SEO and better engage site visitors.

Choosing the type of content is only part of the process. Visit our Law Firm Content Marketing: Content Creation Strategies for a more in-depth look at how your law firm can effectively implement your content.