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My apologies for my less than frequent blog post.

One of the things I intend to do during this very uncertain and unsteady time is to blog about some of the issues we’ve been dealing with recently..

I hesitate to send this first post on one level, because I’ve never posted (as infrequently as I have), what seems like a purely marketing pitch. That is not my intent.

We’re in such an uncertain and unsteady time, I’m sure many of you are casting about for steady answers, and calm, steady advice. There are many “professionals” who view this as an opportunity to take advantage of others for financial gain.

Frankly, there are very few law firms with the long-term experience and track record in insurance claims, and insurance policy issues than our firm.

Personally, the majority of my experience for more than 37 years now, is confronting insurance disputes, and bad insurance industry conduct If you don’t have access to Westlaw or Lexis-Nexis, here’s a Google Scholar search of my experience, which includes both the wins, as well as the losses:

I anticipate that our friends and clients will confront various insurance issues such as:

1) Small business owners have certainly had their businesses disrupted and are experiencing a loss of income and a struggle to keep and pay their staff.

Some of those small business owners may have business interruption insurance. A smaller group of those folks have already made claims which were rapidly denied.

If you are one of those small business owners, we’ve previously reviewed and assisted in business interruption claims. Please feel free to contact us, and we’ll be glad (at no charge, of course) to review your business interruption policy and the claim denial if you’ve already had one denied.

2) Many of our friends and clients will have health insurance problems in a wide variety of issues, from claims denials, to policy cancellations, to learning that the policy they bought and paid for provides inadequate or illusory coverage.

Again, feel free to contact us about your health insurance concerns, and we’ll be glad (at no charge of course) to review your situation and determine if we can assist.

Our small, but terrific team is working remotely, but we’re answering phones, e-mailing, videoconferencing, very effectively. I’m very proud of how our team has adjusted and pushing on.

Let us know if we can assist.

We’re here to help.

I hope you, and your families are healthy and safe.

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